Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Network Folder Password Protection
1. Open Notepad and copy the code below
2. Change your password in the code it's shown the place where to type your password.
3. Save file as locker.bat
4. Now double click on locker.bat
5. I t will create folder with locker automatically for you. After creation of the locker folder, place the contents you want to lock inside the locker folder and run locker.bat again .
<---The code, copy the whole thing---->
title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End
Just make sure that the phrase "type your password here" is fully replaced by your password. So if your password was "chain123"the line:
if NOT %pass%== type your password here goto FAIL
would turn out to be:
if NOT %pass%== chain123 goto FAIL
Let me know how it goes!
Friday, April 10, 2009
SugarCRM Overview
Key Concepts - What is SugarCRM
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a term given to the process of managing your relationship with your customers...better.
But what does that mean in practical terms? How does it improve your business? How does it add value and increase your bottom line?
This article will walk you through how a CRM solution, such as SugarCRM, fits within your organisation and how it benefits you, your staff, your customers and ultimately your profitability.
It covers:
- Managing Leads
- Qualifying and Converting Leads
- Managing Opportunities
- Keeping track of Activities
- Management Reporting and Forecasting
- Summary of the Benefits
Managing Leads
Consider the various ways new customers interact with your business:
These are broad categories, but your first contact with a customer, will likely be through one of these methods. Further more, the contact may be initiated by you, or simply by the customer. For example:
- Phone: You may cold-call a prospective list of customers or alternately, you may receive enquiries from customers who have simply seen your web site or an ad in the yellow pages.
- eMail: You may receive email enquiries or people may reply in repsonse to email based marketing initiatives such as newsletters.
- Web: You may receive enquiries from a web based "contact us" form. In addition, you may promote your web site through various marketing initiatives such as Google Adwords.
Your business may have additional lead sources not covered here depending on your specific marketing methods. Perhaps you have door-to-door salesmen, or run campaigns via SMS text messaging. The point is, there are many sources from which you may receive contact from potential customers.
A CRM system will first of all provide you a unified way of managing those leads. So for example, with SugarCRM, inquiries through a web based contact form can automatically create leads in your system. Similarly, the email integration allows one click lead creation once you've received an email. Cold call lists can be imported into the system and integrated with your telephony system so that staff can work systematically through a of leads.
Furthermore, by tracking the lead source of each and every lead, you can report on the success of marketing campaigns and measure the return on investment of those campaigns.
Key point: What is the difference between a lead and a customer?
A lead is someone who may, one day, become a customer but you're not yet sure if they will. For example, let's say you arrive at the office at 9am, and there is a message on the answer machine, "Hi my name is John Smith. I'm calling about your ABC product. Can you call me back on...." This lead may well become a customer. But it does need qualifying. Perhaps the caller isn't interested in buying ABC product at all. Perhaps, they're actually a supplier offering you a better price than your existing supplier. In short, until you talk to them, you can't decide.
Qualifying & Converting Leads
This is the process of deciding whether your lead is really a potential customer. It involves assigning someone to manage the lead, gathering additional information from the customer, and then deciding whether the lead is suitable to be converted into an opportunity.
Assigning the lead
Your first task may simply be to decide who deals with the enquiry. Perhaps in your organisation different people manage different types of enquiry? Or perhaps you organise work based on the customer's geographic location? Or perhaps, as with many small businesses, you simply do everything yourself. A CRM system allows flexibility. Leads may be assigned to specific individuals if required. If so, they will then pop into a queue for the relevant staff member to qualify. This process may even be automated through the implementation of defined work flow process.
SugarCRM showing leads assigned to an individual" title="My Leads SugarCRM Screenshot" border="0">
Methods of Qualification
Just as you receive enquiries through a variety of channels, so you may also qualify leads in different ways. You might, for example, reply to an email with further information. You may phone the lead up and talk to them. You might schedule a meeting to discuss in person. A CRM system allows you to manage these basic activities, schedule calls, send emails, arrange meetings etc.
During all of these activities, however, the purpose is to gather more information about the potential customer, and decide whether they really might be interested in buying something. The initial requirements are to gather:
- The customers contact details
- Determine where they heard of you (the lead source and potentially marketing campaign source)
- Determine if they have ever been a customer (IE. already have an account)
- And finally determine what product or service they are interested in buying
Once you have this information you are ready to convert your lead into an Opportunity.
SugarCRM work flow process of converting a lead to an opportunity" title="SugarCRM Lead to Opportunity process" border="0">
Typically, this will involve setting up a new Account for the customer, ensuring the contact details from the Lead are transformed into a full Contact record and recording details of the Opportunity.
Fortunately, a CRM system such as SugarCRM makes this process very simple - it's a one-click process.
So what sort of information makes up an Opportunity? Generally, this will be information about the potential sale. So, it may include the potential size of any deal, the probability of winning the deal, an estimated close date, and the stage the Opportunity is at. Such stages may include:
- Qualifying and analysing
- Proposal
- Negotiation and Review
- Closed Won
- Closed Lost
Managing Opportunities
A flexible system such as SugarCRM will allow assignment of the opportunity to various members of your team at various stages of the process. This allows for effective management, ownership and tracking of each and every opportunity within your organisation.
SugarCRM showing an individuals Top Ten Opportunities" title="Top Ten Opportunities SugarCRM screen shot" border="0">
Furthermore, as the Opportunities contain potential financial information, along with sales status and expected close dates, it's possible to report on this information in a very useful way (more on that later).
SugarCRM of a dashlet sales pipeline" title="Sales Pipeline" border="0">
Managing Activities
The above sections have covered the basics of making and tracking a sale. But there is often a lot of activity that goes on around this process. Here are just some of those activities:
Depending upon the individual characteristics of your business, there may be a good deal of correspondence between you and your customer - either by email or phone. You may produce quotes, send fact sheets and receive purchase orders and produce invoices. You might regularly meet with your client, either alone or with other members of your organisation. An intense negotiation stage may take place. You may need to collaborate with other members of your organisation and chase them up on where they are on tasks you've assigned them.
Wouldn't it be great to have a system that helped track, organise and manage all of that in one place? That's exactly what a CRM system does. It allows you to not only manage all of your activities but also to relate those to particular Accounts or Opportunities. This makes finding information a breeze. Want to know when the quote for a client is due? It's in your diary. Want to know what fact sheets your colleague has already sent them? It's recorded against the customer. Want to review all the emails that have been sent to your client? It's all there.
A CRM system turns your office into a well oiled machine. It makes your work more efficient and gives you a complete view of your history with the customer.
It allows you to manage that relationship better, and allows you to profile customers for future marketing.
Management Reporting and Forecasting
One of the great advantages of having a centralised repository holding so much information about your customers and your sales is the ability to produce useful and effective reports. Here are a few examples of the types of information that can easily be extracted:
- Sales information - broken down by sales staff, or month, or sales status, or marketing campaign
- Return on Investment for marketing strategies
- Customer extracts - for example, all customers with opportunities in a particular status
- Workloads - who is dealing with the bulk of your work
- Project management - what stage is your project at? What tasks are complete or overdue?
A CRM system such as SugarCRM can provide many different types of report. Information can be presented in either text form (such as customer lists) or in graphical form. Alternately, information can be filtered, sorted, and then exported to popular products such as Microsoft Word or Excel.
In summary, a CRM system places management information at your fingertips, equipping you to take informed decisions for your business.
SugarCRM showing Sales Outcome by Month" title="SugarCRM Sales Outcome by Month screen shot" border="0">
Summary of the Benefits
CRM is about managing your relationship with the customer...better.
A CRM system, such as SugarCRM, archives this by:
- Effectively managing your sales process, ensuring every lead counts, from every potential source
- Organising and distributing the workload around your organisation
- Managing and tracking every activity
- Providing a holistic view of each and every customer
- Effective management reporting and forecasting
The result is that you server your customers better, that you understand your customers better and that you can react faster to customer demands.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Installing SugarCRM Upgrade
CAUTION: | It is strongly recommended that you run the upgrade process on a copy of your production system. |
a. | Navigate to C:\Program Files\Zend\Core\etc\fastcgi.conf and increase the default value for ConnectionTimeout to 3000 and RequestTimeout to 6000. |
b. |
• | Backup your system before beginning the upgrade process. It is imperative to backup your current Sugar directory and database. |
a. | In the Advanced section of the System Settings page of your current Sugar installation, modify and save the value of Maximum upload size to 21000000 (20MB). |
b. | Navigate to the php.ini file on your Web Server and configure the parameters listed below as follows: |
• | Set post_max_size to more than 20MB. |
• | Set upload_max_filesize settings to more than 20MB. |
• | Set max_input_time to a large number. |
• | If you are using an Apache Web Server and if you have set LimitRequestBody in the httpd.conf file, then ensure that you set it to a large number or use the default value of 2GB. Restart Apache and then begin the upgrade process. |
• | Ensure that the Webserver user has Write permissions to the Sugar database. The upgrade to Sugar 5.2 will add and replace files in several locations including the sugar root directory. The Webserver user must have Write permissions for the root folder and all sub-directories during the upgrade process. |
• | The process of upgrading can take up to 30 minutes. If you are using the IIS Web server, you need to ensure that the CGI application does not time out. To do this, on IIS, set the CGI script timeout to more than 300 seconds, which is the default value. |
• | If you have customized any module’s PHP file, for example, accounts.php, we strongly recommend that you save it in the Customs directory and not within the main module. This is because, during upgrade, any customizations that you have made may be overridden by changes that Sugar has made for 5.2. |
• | Some entry points were changed in Sugar 5.1. Hence, unless you manually updated custom files that were created in 5.0 with the new entry points in 5.1, they may fail in 5.2 with the error message “Not a valid entry point”. |
Note: | Attempting to manually upgrade by simply replacing files and running the upgrade SQL is not supported. |
1. | Download the appropriate Sugar Upgrade zip file from the Sugar Website to your local machine. For example, to upgrade Sugar Professional from version 5.0 to 5.2, you need to download the |
2. | Log into your existing Sugar application as the administrator and click admin on the right-hand corner of the page. |
3. |
4. | Click Next. |
5. | Click Next. |
6. | Click Browse, navigate to the location of the Upgrade zip file, and select it. |
7. |
8. | Click Next. |
9. | Click Next. |
10. | Click Done. |
11. | In the Systems panel of the Administration Home page, click Repair and select the Rebuild Relationship and Rebuild Extensions options to perform these actions. For more information, see the Installation and Administration Guide that is appropriate to your Sugar application. |
12. | If you unchecked any files to prevent the Upgrade Wizard from overwriting then manually merge the files by extracting the skipped file from the patch zip file. Merge the file that was installed in the Sugar application directory. |
Note: | If your attempt to upgrade Sugar is unsuccessful, check the upgradeWizard.log file in the Sugar folder for information. |
Note: | The silentUpgrade.php script creates new files for the user who is running it. For example, for the root user it create files as user/group root. Because Apache cannot read this, you must ensure that the Web server user has the permissions to read and write the script. |
1. | From the command line on the server where the Sugar instance is installed, execute the silentupgrade.php script as follows: |
Note: | After upgrading to Sugar 5.2.0, you will need to rebuild the relationship metadata. To do this, log into Sugar as the administrator. On the Administration Home page, select the Repair option in the Systems sub-panel and click Rebuild Relationships. |
1. | Navigate to the config.php file in the Sugar root directory. |
2. | Set the following parameter to true as below: |
3. |
Friday, March 20, 2009
Hiding Pages in Wordpress
You might run across a time in your life when you need to hide a page in wordpress.
You have 3 options to do this:
- Write the page as Draft. This will hide the page from the list of pages in the menu but you can still access the page by search, and the page will be accessible if you type the direct URL to the page.
I use this method a lot to provide pages when I do not want them in the menu. I like horizontal menus for my blogs, and if you add too many pages, your menus might start looking bad.
Example of hiding with a draft: Real Estate Blog Lab - Make the page private. This will remove the page from the menu, and you will not be able to access it by search, or by entering the URL. Please remember to log out once you make a page private. Many people make the page private and then try to access it immediately and find they can still see it. This is because you are logged in as "admin" still. So make the page private, logout and try to access the page.
This would be the preferred method to hide a page - The last way is to hardcode your menu function. Wordpress created the menu with this function: wp_list_pages();
You can either remove that function and add your own links, or add the "exclude" argument to wp_list_pages() like so:
wp_list_pages(exclude=17,38);The numbers are the page id's…you can get the page id's from the manage pages section of you wordpress blog admin section.
Since this method will probably never be used, I will not go to far into it.
I use hidden pages all the time, especially when I have a sidebar widget that displays a small snippet of information, but can open a full page when more details are needed.
Thank you for this useful post :)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Installing Wordpress in
If you have chosen a Wordpress friendly domain host then you will have no problem installing Wordpress they will be the one to do it for you. If you have chosen a host like Godaddy then read on.
(Note: these steps should only be taken if you already have set up a hosting account in Godaddy. )
1. Download the Wordpress files from and extract.
2. Go to your account on
3. Click on Hosting Account List Under My products.
4. The hosting account control panel should appear. Click open. Then a new page will appear for Hosting Control Center.
5. Click the Databases dropdown, you will see there a MYSQL icon.
6. After clicking the my SQL icon, you can now create your new database.
7. Choose which version you want to use. If you are not familiar with SQL then just choose the latest version. Note: list down the username and password for your database because you are going to need it later for the Wordpress installation.) It would take a few min for go daddy to create your new database.
8. After your database is ready go back and check your newly created database. Under the Action column you will see a pen icon click it to edit or view details. List down the host name.
9. Now that you are all set go to your extracted Wordpress files and open the file wp-config-sample.php. edit the following fields.
define(’DB_NAME’, ‘putyourdbnamehere‘); // The name of the database
define(’DB_USER’, ‘usernamehere‘); // Your MySQL username
define(’DB_PASSWORD’, ‘yourpasswordhere‘); // …and password
define(’DB_HOST’, ‘localhost‘); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value. Enter the host name which you listed back in step 8.
Save your file as wp-config.php removing the -sample.
10. Now go back to Godaddy and click the content button. Under content you should find a FTP Client Icon. Click the icon and start transferring your Wordpress files unto the root directory of your server. Note: do not transfer the Wordpress folder. Select all the files inside the Wordpress folder and then begin the transfer. It should take some time before all the files are transferred.
11. After all the files are transferred then you are all set! Just type-in Place an email add and a password will be given to you. Now you can stop reading this tutorial and start blogging. Enjoy!
Thanks to oranageinks for this Post!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Why iWeb is not a Good Web Design Program
My friends are building I'm sure that the site will eventually work perfectly, but for now, it will need some major tweaking.
There is an inherent issue with iWeb in that the code that it produces will, most of the time, have cross browser issues since the program is used to produce web content and not web code. The code that iWeb produces, while it validates XHTML and has minor errors in the CSS validation test, it is not ideal by far. So what does that mean for "web designers"? It means that a lot of flexibility and learning is needed if you are not an experienced web designer. When you encounter a problem, you're going to need to hit the forums. iWeb has been around for a while, so there should be an answer to just about every problem that you have. At first it might seem like Chinese, but continue to tinker with your web site and reading the forums and the forums should provide you with a good answer to your problem. It's good to enter a web design project knowing that frustration is inevitable so that it doesn't overwhelm you when you can't do something.